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Super klasse Spiel, hat sehr viel spass gemacht. Erinnert stark an die alte Resident Evil Zeit, was ja auch die Idee war. Macht weiter so

That was really good but but such a sad ending!  xD  How did you do the Pre Rendered backgrounds in unreal? I was trying to figure it out a while back but seemed convoluted  


Fantastic games guys! Such a shame you didn't make a full game out of it, because I am sure it would have been great!

I absolutely loved this game, good job!!

sick game!!!


Played this on a random horror games!


Es un gran juego. GRACIAS!

Gameplay traduzindo para português do Brasil!

I love this game. I wish you a success on your development way.


Tried out the game!




very nostalgia and feels exactly like the old RE games. Good job

Bio Crisis | Tank controls need to make a comeback | Indie Horror Game


This was pretty good, very, very short but good. Nostalgic too. Feels like a Resident Evil game I missed out on from the 90s. 


This was such a great little experience! It was so spot on it felt like going back to the old Resident evil 1 and 2, it was perfect from control to the level design! Please make another like this, you are so talented! I recommend this completely I just want more!

(1 edit) (+1)

love the game man it is so good to see old school coming back man keep up the good work


love it


Always down for a Resident Evil type game ! Short but sweet game

5/5 brings back good RE memories


Resident Evil ? | Discover the Fear and Excitement of BioCrisis! | Indie Horror Game (


Please give me more! 

This game is amazing!!!! Thank you!


Played this on my channel, absolutely love the old school vibes!

(2 edits) (+1)

absolutely love this game im a new streamer aand i streamed this game and i just want to tell you scared the heck out of me and ima make a play through.! keep up the amazing work. you have my support  @Krzysztof Tracz @Joanna Jesionowska


You did it, my dude! You know, the devs behind the prolific "Outbreak" series on switch keep pumping out these games that get more and more bizarre and convoluted (boring, too). This game nails everything that worked in essence and practice with RE:1, 2 & 3. Fantastic demo. I hope you find the time to flesh (pun intended) it out into a full-fledged story-length game. Love it!!


The game is perfect:
Is short and complete

The history is very cool (You need see the photo in the invetory to understand) 

The gameplay is like classic resident evil, feels smooth

The animations are very cool with ps1 graphics, is a mix of modern and retro

And the final boss is gross and cool to fight


I really hope more of you in survival horrors

(1 edit) (+1)

This game knocked my socks off. Very impressive work. I reviewed it in my Indie horror showcase video:


omg, it's so nostalgic wow. Great game, guys!


From the top,make 'em drop. 

Thems some dead-head zombies.


Just played this, great game! to bad this isn't going to be a actual full game with a story and everything.



Classic Good

This is fantastic! Everything resembles the inspiration, and it's very good! I really hope to see more!


brilliant game, very well made. Hoping for more as it would be a game i would love to stream on my channel as i play alot of Resident Evil and Silent hill over on Twitch


Thanks for letting us play your game Spina but we can't just leave it at this. We need more!!! If you can please share this video out to your friends and community we need more from this game.


i cry at final


that was awesome, it took me back to my childhood where I played RE1 so much, never did complete it cause it was way too hard but I still loved it and this game even tho its short was amazing, I swear if this was on steam I would buy it in A heartbeat


A VERY faithful looking / sounding recreation of the Resident Evil 2 (PS1) experience - pre-rendered, somewhat-compressed backgrounds, lots of zombie texture variety, some VERY light puzzling and a boss! Takes about 10-15 minutes to complete, but delivers a strong hit of nostalgia!

Added to our indie games list on the Fixed Camera Appreciation Society!


I love RE style games and this one  gets it all right

Well done, I tip my hat to you.

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