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No matter how short it is, it did remind me of the classic titles of Resident Evil/Biohazard. I run a Biohazard fan website ( and offer free Chinese translation service for survival horror games like this.

I wish we could make a Chinese version together so more Chinese players could experience it without language barrier. Contact me if you accept my offer!


Very nice indeed! I'm interested to know how you did the static environments, are they pre-rendered or rendered in a separate pass with some processing to make them look authentic? Either way this really brought me back, would be nice to see you take it further!

Thank you! The static environments are pre-rendered in editor view in Unreal Engine.


AMAZING GAME!! Just made me remember those Resident Evil 2 vibes, I want more of this... seriously great work! :3


Do more :)


Great Game! I really enjoyed your game :D

This looks Really good! I love the old RE games. Is there any possibility of a Mac version?

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi! Sadly, right now I'm unable to make a Mac build. 


I loved the game so much!!!! I hope there's more to the story soon :) 


Odlična igrica, odmah sam se sjetio prve igrice kad sam još manji bio i kad sam imao playstation 1, odlično! Tema, priča i sve mi se sviđa i nadam se da ćeš/ćete još ovakvih igrica napraviti, treba pokazati ljudima kako su te igrice bile stvarno najbolje!


I recommend you play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

This was a nice throwback to the original Resident Evil, I started with mouse and keyboard but i recommend you play the game with a controller it's so much easier that way. It's a shame that the game is short I was hoping to visit other areas maybe a castle or a field with different type of zombies. Bio Crisis is really I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME, as an RE fan this gave me a nice nostalgia. I hope we get a full game in the near future. Try the game it's good stuff! 

Congratulations is the least I can say 

Excellent work, I found that very entertaining.

YouTuber:  Fellowplayer


This was so much fuuuuun! But the ending! Come ooooon! I wanted a happy end :(

On a serious note, this was awesome and very nostalgic-feeling. I loved it!


Hell yeah. Haha. That was fun. Looking forward to a more full version if you're still working on it.


Serio? Podejrzewam, że twórcy to Polacy, a przynajmniej tak z nazwisk wnioskuję. Gra świetna. Już miałem nadzieję, na ciąg dalszy po pokonaniu bossa, a tu nagle napisy końcowe. Na serio ta gra ma wielki potencjał, tylko stworzyć jeszcze całą resztę i ubrać w jakąś bardziej rozpisaną fabułę.

Hej! Dzięki! Cieszę się że się podobało :)

Na marginesie macie w planach rozbudowę tego projektu?


Part of a 3 Scary Games collective I decided to give it its own gameplay! It's that good!


It's good to see that people still likes the original RE mechanics.

My assistant said, Great Game :)


please make this a full game! its very awesome

(1 edit) (+2)

I admire people who create games based on Resident evil or Mods.♥

Its just a demo right? will be there  a full game? :3


This definitely needs to be expanded upon outside of just the game jam. the concept is fantastic, the play is just so nostalgic and even the visuals are so awesome. Brings me back to the old PS1 era playing on a CRT TV. I can hear the PS load screen now... <3 <3


Like what I played so far, I'd say add a animation to the healthbar and maybe a small muzzle flash + shell animation to the pistol like in RE.


I did also a short video and gave my thoughts of a game! It is more a insight as a fellow dev and survival-horror fan rather than entertaining video! Thanks for the game friends.


Hey and thanks for the amazing game! I have tried to create a similar logic for the camera change (in Unity tho), but I just can't find a good system that doesn't glitch out. So what is the logic that changes the active camera?


Hi! The logic for camera changes is pretty simple. For every camera view there is a trigger volume placed on the scene. If there is a place where a few triggers overlaps I'm using a simple priority value to know which camera view should be used.


This was a fun playthrough.  I would love to see you expand this into a full game one day.


Really well done good work.


This is a really great game. I always suck with these types of controls but I got used to it and even beat it! 3rd game in my 3 scary games!


At the end, this game makes me thought of two endings: one cruel, one sad.


I really did enjoy what you made here!! I'm sad its over lol I was getting used to it! Great job though!


Very well done. The visuals are very cool. 


Finally got around to playing this, saw your post on Reddit somewhere. You nailed the aesthetics and controls. I'd love to see this morph into a much bigger game!


Probably one of the best Resident Evil fan games I've ever played! Nicely done, I'd happily play a lot more! 


Extremely great. Would play a much longer version of this. Nice font choices too!


I really enjoyed your game as I love classic Resi Evil games and tank controls and the fixed camera angles. Keep it up! :)


i loved the resident evil style, very well put together for a game jam game.

love to see a dreamcast port of this not just pc


Holy crap that pistol sound is so damn good!!

No Commentary 


So nostalgic, so good, I loved all of it!! 


The game was really cool, it gave me that old school Resident Evil vibe and I loved it. I wish it was a bit longer. 

Watch video here: 


Played this over on Youtube and rather enjoyed it, even if it is only short. Definitely has that nice, retro aesthetic and feel to the gameplay.


This is really awesome! Gameplay great, oldschool feeling. Yeah, it takes me back. Hope for more!


Looks great! Is this a full version? Thank you very much!

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